Les Miserables (Word Cloud Classics)

Les Miserables - Victor Hugo I'm finished. I actually finished.
Oh my lord this book is amazing and I am so grateful I decided to read it even though I nearly threw up when I saw the pages.
It was wonderful. Such a mix of emotions. I wish all my friends could read it just so they could understand how I'm feeling right now. I cried but I was happy. The ending was beautiful, especially that passage written on the tomb.
I think I may have highlighted this book to death but that's okay.
Hugo is a genius. This is a literary masterpiece. I fell in love with every word.
It may have been a big book to read but finishing it just feels amazing. It probably isn't a book I'm going to reread often but sometime in my life I want to read this again.
I am in love and to finish this book and to not be reading it anymore is almost sad.
I can't say enough for les Miserables just that if you can read it, READ IT.